I have finally had some time to stitch after planning, organizing and having our wedding. :) I finished a couple of smaller projects and then continued my HAEDs. I started to catch up with my SAL 2009 piece QS Day Dreaming Fairy. I put some stitches in on Thurday SAL too. :) I am planning on stitching the backround first before starting her hair and face. It is a bit boring but luckily it's quite quick to stitch. This picture is taken a few days ago and I've stitched more since. I had to frog on Wednesday so it took me back about 200 stitches. Luckily I noticed the error before stitching more than that. I will stitch some sparklies next and after those I'm ready to start her hair. Goodbye light shades! :)

And some non-stitching news: we booked flights to Paris and a hotel room at the Disneyland for our honeymoon trip on May! We are so excited about that and can hardly wait. :) We'll spend most of our holiday at the Disneyland but also plan on going to Paris for a day, have a nice dinner, walk along the Seine and maybe visit the Eiffel tower and the Louvre (if I can talk my husband in to it :D).
This is a wonderful start!
Congrats on your wedding! I have seen your wonderful pics on your blog.
Great start.
And wow. Paris. That if so cool. Have a good time.
Beautiful start. Looks lovely already. And Paris is GREAT. We were in Paris in 2003 and loved every second of it. Wishing you a GREAT honeymoon
Congrats on your wedding and a very nice time in Paris, enjoy it. you made a great progress ! Good job
Nice start - good progress!
Sari once you get passed all those light colours you will love stitching her hair. How exciting planning your trip to Paris.
Great progress! If your hubby doesn't want to visit the Louvre just leave him with a glass of wine at the Eiffel tower it is not to be missed because a spouse is not interested!!
Sari, I'm so happy for you:) and your honeymoon sounds heavenly!! Can't wait to see pics!
Beautiful progress on Daydreaming Fairy:)
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