This week I managed to work on both pieces, and for all you scary stitchers: I built a bridge this week. I read your comments about sleepless nights, two hand stitching (I gave it a shot, but it didn't work out lol), and how many of you considered me a brave (or mad?) woman.
In fact, my DS had a good laugh, when I told him I wanted to add a dangerous factor to my stitching and therefore worked at two sides. In his mind, how can stitching be something else than dull (I forgive him, he is only 17 years old).
Anyway, so you girls can sleep as comfortably as before, yesterday evening I built a bridge between the two parts, and it turns out to be perfect. I have to add some stitches, but I already can assure you I did the perfect counting, and I don't have to frog a stitch! Look for yourself.

And this was May 22nd:

On Call of the Raven I managed to finish her left sleeve, so now I can move on the the left side, to finish the colourful beams. No picture yet, because uploading to blogger doesn't work right now, I'll give it a try later on ....