Monday, December 7, 2009


Hi everyone!!

I'm back!

I'm sorry, I know it's been so long since my last post... I had to finish the stitching of my mom's birthday, she's 51 today. Also my grand mother got really sick... we think it's Alzheimer, I pray for her as much as I can.

I realised that I missed my HAED in the last 2 months... I'm so addict! My husband and I are still working on our new house and we will celebrate Christmas here. It's the first time that we received our family for Christmas, I'm so excited...

Joyeux Noël à tous, (Merry Christmas everyone)

Paix, amour et joie! (Peace, Love and Joy)



Beck said...

Valerie, it's beautiful!!! I am so happy you're back working on your HAED again - and your house sounds just lovely! I can just imagine you and your husband with all your family - what a special time! Merry Christmas to you too! Hugs, Beck

Flamand said...

Bonjour Valérie, Se parler sur un site US en français, c'est trop classe ! Bravo pour ton avancée, le bébé est vraiment craquant, j'ai hâte de voir la suite. C'est super que tu t'y sois remis. Courage pour ta famille et Joyeux Noel. Véronique

Annie Bee said...

Goldilocks is looking really beautiful and how lovely to have your family all together to celebrate Christmas.

kerbear said...

Glad to see you stitching on this one again! It looks great!!

Astrid said...

The Goldilocks have a carpet near the bed soon !!!

Cindy F. said...

I hope your mother had a wonderful birthday and I will keep your grandmother in my thoughts and prayers.

You have made incredible progress! It's beautiful!!!