Well I went back to Fantasies of the Seas. It's been a while as I started two other HAEDs this year. I started on page 13, the beginning of the 3rd row. I thought I was going to get a break from all the black in the Astronomer. Nope, this page is a lot of DMC 310, 939, and 823. Good grief!

Thanks for looking.
Just think soon you have lovely colours to stitch. It looks great.
Wow! It's allways fun to start new row. Looks great! I'm stitching Astronomer too - and all those dark colours are quite boring to stitch, but luckily there is other colours coming too!
it's looking good!
Had to laugh because I feel your pain (i just did 3000 stitches of 310 over the weekend!) Hopefully you will get to move onto some better colors soon!
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