I first would like to say that I really enjoy all of your wonderful designs. You guys are doing a great job! It does encourage to keep going on your project.
I have been stitching on my HAED Land of Enchantment Sunday all day and yesterday evening. You all were in my thoughts while I was stitching yesterday.
I'm almost halfway my first page. I have in total 3200 stitches done. So here is my progress on Land of Enchantment.
Thanks to the good explanation of Vickie I started to park my threads also, and it is really easy to do so. In fact, it goes a little faster. You should give it a try also.
Wishing you all a wonderfull weekend with lots of stitching fun.
It is coming along really nicely and 3200 stitches within such a short time is really fast, especially when you are stitching full!
Oh wow!! Your needles must be smoking! Amazing progress! I am so proud of you for trying something new...parking threads:) YOU GO GIRL!!
Great to see that you have come so far already.
I have not started parking threads yet and will probably not because there are so many different colours, but I have started to use the gridlines more now every tenth stitch. I didn't look at that earlier, and must say that it goes much faster also.
Good evening Wendy !
Your work emanate precision and neatness... As you are full of attention for all the members of this (blessed) blog, you must probably stitch with the same lovely attention because the result is simply gorgeous.
Scott Gustafson is one of the artists I prefer in the HAED's catalogue. And Land of Enchantment is one of those which brings me in a beautiful universe when I watch it. So I look at your progress with a real....enchantment !
Thank you for sharing it, and have a nice (stitch)week-end !
It's beautiful, Wendy, I can recognize some of the picture already! And it's really brave to start something new like parking threads. I think I'm not going to try it. I work one color over more blocks and then I start the next color in the first block and so on, until the first block is finished. Then I get my pen and cross the block. Then I move to the second block and so on. It works for me!
Wendy what fun watching the picture come to life. Your needles have been running hot. It looks great.
Yessiree - looking good, Wendy! I think parking threads is the way to go, too.
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