Here is my latest progress on Peacock Lagoon.


Although you can't really see it I did some more detail inside the moon. There are a few stitches left in the moon but I am going to have to spend some time with a magnifier to sort them out.
Oh for some other color than blue!!!!!
Kathy your moon looks really lovely and such pretty blues.
It's beautiful! But I know exactly what you mean, in 3 of my 4 wips I'm stitching with different shades of blue! LOL!
Very nice progress - Lovely!
I can imagine you want something else than blue, but it looks great!
Awesome progress Kathy!! Such pretty blues;)
It looks very nice, great job!
That is a nice progress Kathy!! I can believe you want to stitch with something else then the bleu. I had the same problem when I started "Land of Enchantment", I was stitching with so much black :(
The different blues look great together! It can be difficult to stitch a lot of the same colors but it's all worth it in the end! Keep it up! :)
I like your blues a lot - but I do have some purples that I would be willing to trade you lol!
Very nice progress and the shades are good. The moon look as a moon should be !!
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