Hello all my stitching friends!!!
Even though I have not updated in a while, I have been stitching, a little on this, a little on that. Just call me schizostitcher!
I spent a week experimenting with tent stitching. I stitched the same 100 stitch block on different counts of fabric and with different numbers of strands of floss, only to decide I did not like any of them! It is definately faster, but I can see the "slant" and will never be happy with it.
I was very good and did not buy any new charts during the last two sales!!!! I pulled a new one out of my stash. Here is Rhyme and Reason by James Christensen. This is the center panel, starting in the lower left corner. Not much to see yet, except the special appearance by my dear friend # 310!!!!

I also pulled out a freebie, QS Fairy Tales by Selina Fenech, that I started a while back, but tossed aside in frustration. I love the color of the fabric and therefor had to make peace with stitching on 28 ct. The stitches look like little bumps, but I'm getting over it. But the fabric is giving me a headache! It's like stitching on wet gauze, constantly pulling out of shape at the slightest touch. The fibers vary greatly in thickness and thinness, with some closer together and others further apart. My biggest problem? Look at those light stitches just to the left of the red. They're a mess! No matter how carefully I place them, they look horrible! Any ideas how to fix this?

Hope everyone has a great week!