Wednesday, October 6, 2010

HAED's QS Midnight Tender - FINISHED as of 05.10.2010

Midnight Tender is finished!!!!!

I'm soooooo pleased with how she turned out and I actually stood and stared at her in shock that I had made her after I'd washed and pressed her. Hope you all like her as much as I do.

Stitched on 22 count hardanger, 1 thread over 1 square.
Begun on 07.06.2010
Finished on 05.10.2010
(while in rotation with two other peices)


elizabth1956 said...

well done, she is beautiful.

Snowkj said...

Congratulations! It must have been so exciting knowing how close you were these last few days. She is beautiful, you must be so proud!

Louanne said...

So fast! She is stunning! Congrats on a beautiful finish!

Doreen said...

oh, it's wonderful. It is really very quickly finished. a beautiful picture. all love doreen

Lisa said...

Congratulations! She looks wonderful :)

Marie said...

Congratulations !!!
She looks beautiful and you can be proud of yourself !!
I would love to see a picture from her framed...

I'm looking forward to see your two other pieces that you have in rotation !

Sabine S. said...

Doing the happy dance for you! Congrats on a fabulous finish!!!! She really was a "quick stitch"!

Nina said...

Congratulations! She's stunning!

Joke said...

There's only one word coming into my mind: fabulous! Well done :)

Claire said...

That is absolutely stunning... added to my wish list!! LOL

Hugs Claire (clamar)

grannie said...

What an absolutely stunning finish! And so quick too! Congratulations :-)

Lory said...

Bellissimo ! Il tuo lavoro è molto buono ...

msstitch01 said...

She looks absolutely stunning. What a pleasure it must be to be able to look at it and say 'I stitched that'. Congratulations.

Dancing With Pussycats said...

Oh my goodness! She's beautiful! Congratulations. And you stitch so fast too. Looking forward to seeing the other two you're working on.

ana~stitch said...

Just beautiful, I'm jealoous!

sharine said...

Fantastic finish!

CreativeStitch said...

How beautiful! Congratulations!

Maureen said...

big congrats- what a fantastic finish and so quick!

Terri said...

Congrats on a beautiful finish