I too joined the QS freebie SAL on the HAED BB. I chose Terra, stitching her on 32 ct antique white Lugana. She is supposed to be my 1x1 tent experiment (stitching on the left), but it looks thin, the colors seem pale, and I hate the diagonal white lines of the fabric showing through. So I tried 2x1 tent (right stitching), but it is lumpy with twisted threads on many stitches, and it's already so thick on the back it's hard to get the needle through!

I don't know what I am going to do. As she is small, I wanted to try tenting to see if I like the final result. If I have to go back to full crosses, I don't know if I like her enough to put in that much time and work. There are other pieces higher on my to do list.
I'm open to your comments about what you "see" when you look at them.
i know what you mean about tenting, but if you look at the 1 x 1 version from a distance does it look bad? when were stitching we are too close up and really who looks at a picture that close up. i gave it a shot and hated it, but if you dont want to commit to full x take a step back and see what you think
i would give it a try with the 1 thread,maybe if there are more colors on the fabric you will see something you like?
I would try 28ct fabric, tenting with two strands. The coverage is great and it doesn't get as thick as two strands in 32ct. But that's only my opinion :)
You might want to try changing the count of fabric if you still want to tent stitch. I find 2x1 on 25 count gives good coverage, as long as the fabric you are stitching on is a similar color as the background. I haven't tried 28 count tent stitching yet.
I am new to this large project stitching. Traditionally on the smaller projects I have done, I use the thread wax to keep my threads from fraying and twisting. Maybe that would help? I find it works, but then again I was using it on 14 ct aida 2x1 crossing on small projects. I have never done tent stitching and I understand your delema, it just doesn't look that full... I too am experimenting with it. I am working on QS pattern on 22 ct aida. But I can't decide if I want to use 2x1 tent, or 1x1 crossed. Plus with the tent stitching, wouldn't you have to make sure all the stitching is going in the same direction?
Have you considered dying your fabric to a warmer or more neutral colour? I've stitched on ivory, lambswool and brown Lugana and have found that a warmer background makes your stitching look richer... Similarly, I guess if the primary colours in the design are cool colours, you could try a more blue tinted background fabric...
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