Hello again, I've started another pattern, this one for my youngest daughter. It is Citrine, by Anderson. I have a question and I'm hoping someone can help me out. This pattern calls for Kreinik #4 (it says dmc 032) and B5200. I bought S5200, but I'm not sure that will cut it. If someone knows what I can convert these threads to, that I can buy from Michaels or Hobby Lobby I would really appreciate it, I would prefer not to order online unless I absolutely have to.
The pattern is done on 28 count evenweave, 1 over 1. I will try to post a picture sometime in the next couple weeks.
Thank you,
Monday, January 31, 2011
"Envy" Update Pg 11
Well after a bit of a break finishing off all my UFO's. I am finally back working on just 2 projects and they are both "Sins" which I'm very excited about.
When I stopped working on them I had done part pages on both. So I picked up "Envy" to finish the bottom row.
18cnt, 2 over 1, DMC
Everyone's Work is Looking great!
Happy Stitching All!
When I stopped working on them I had done part pages on both. So I picked up "Envy" to finish the bottom row.
"Envy" Before |
"Envy" After |
18cnt, 2 over 1, DMC
Everyone's Work is Looking great!
Happy Stitching All!
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Storykeep Logan is FINISHED!! As of 30.01.2011 by Gizzimomo
Well, I did it! I completerd my crazy challenge to get Logan finished in under a month so he could be submitted to the reward program...... well he's finished and has been sent off to Michele at HAED!
This time last night I really didn't think I'd get the job done as you can tell by how much was left to do in the first photo below which was taken just before bed last night.... but here he is finished and in all his glory!
I started stitching at 9am this morning and have been stitching solidly all day until just after 10pm tonight but I think it was worth it!
I'm so proud of how he came out and now I have my fingers crossed hoping for the swift arrival of Meredith Dillman's QS Emerald Dragon but in the meantime it's back to Faerie Melody for a while!!
I'm so proud of how he came out and now I have my fingers crossed hoping for the swift arrival of Meredith Dillman's QS Emerald Dragon but in the meantime it's back to Faerie Melody for a while!!
Carrie Hawks,
Storykeep Logan
Unicorn Dream - Week 63, Dreams of Gaudí - Week 59
The knight is finally complete! Next up, some background, and then the butterflies, I think.
With Gaudí I've finally finished this portion of the sky, and worked a little more on the tower, another 4 or 5 weeks, and this page is done as well!
With Gaudí I've finally finished this portion of the sky, and worked a little more on the tower, another 4 or 5 weeks, and this page is done as well!
Unicorn Dream
Holly Angel QS - JBG and Butterflies Galore SK - JBG

I thought it was time I posted an update for Butterflies Galore SK and Holly Angel QS
Both are stitched in 18 count aida and are 2 over 1 full cross stitch.
Both are stitched in 18 count aida and are 2 over 1 full cross stitch.
Medusa LA.Williams
After a Month, I have two pages finished. One page was 6000 stitches. So not very full pages but.....
I reached the bottum of the work. 580 stitches high. its on 18 ct aida.
Now in February I am starting The First Rose from Christensen.
The preperations were already done. For this I use my framestanderd. I do her without the background. nevertheless its a large project.
I reached the bottum of the work. 580 stitches high. its on 18 ct aida.
Now in February I am starting The First Rose from Christensen.
The preperations were already done. For this I use my framestanderd. I do her without the background. nevertheless its a large project.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Cheryl's update: The Lights of Home 2 (Schim Schimmel)

The Lights of Home 2
WIP - Bubbles
Here is my WIP Bubbles by Selina Fenech. I am on page 3 of 42. It is going very slow because of so many confetti stitches. Hope you like it.
Karen Ash Bubbles Selina Fenech.
Out Of Print Chart
I have a request from a stitcher looking for Matt Stewart's Eternal Promise. This has been cleared through Michele. She is, of course, looking to purchase it, not copy or trade it. If you have the chart and would like to sell it, please send me an email, and I will hook you up.
Out Of Print
Thursday, January 27, 2011
HAED's Storykeep Logan (Page 2 Done) as of 27.01.2011 by Gizzimomo
Here's the latest update on Storykeep Logan!!
Page 2 is all done and the partial page 3 is started... dunno if I'm going to get him done by the end of the month but I'm sure going to try!! There's not so much sparklies on this page so hopefully it'll go much quicker.
Page 2 Done as of 26.11.2011 |
Page 3 Started as of 27.01.2011 |
I've decided not to use DMC B5200 again for HAED peices as like Kreinik it frays far to easily. I bought some Sulky 02776 pearlescent thread from my local Hobbycraft and on test stitching with it using 2 strands it stitches up much better and much more easily so I'm going to give it a try on the next HAED pice that requires a pearly thread!
Let me know if you have any thoughts any suggestions?
Carrie Hawks,
Storykeep Logan
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Shore Line Village Update for Vani
Here's an update from my buddy Vani on her Shore Line Village!!
Hi Everyone, I just completed my 6th page on my Shore Line Village by Dennis P. Lewan, It is stitched on 25 count Lugana, 1 over 1 full cross! I am working down in pages, rather than across, due to the fact that I would have gone crazy with all that sky in one go!!! You can't see it in this picture but I have all on the first column done.....
Here is what it will look like all done:

Here is what I had done before this page, all the way to the bottom of the chart:

And here is the latest page I just finished!
Hi Everyone, I just completed my 6th page on my Shore Line Village by Dennis P. Lewan, It is stitched on 25 count Lugana, 1 over 1 full cross! I am working down in pages, rather than across, due to the fact that I would have gone crazy with all that sky in one go!!! You can't see it in this picture but I have all on the first column done.....
Here is what it will look like all done:

Here is what I had done before this page, all the way to the bottom of the chart:

And here is the latest page I just finished!

Dennis Lewan,
Shore Line Village,
Monday, January 24, 2011
Queen of Hearts - Mel "Romantic Fool"
I have successfully completed 2 pages of Queen of Hearts. I am so enjoying this project! I've put it aside for just a little while so I can work on some other projects though. But I will get back to it very soon!
You can see in the bottom right corner the start of one of her wings. And the blobs are actually becoming images!
You can see in the bottom right corner the start of one of her wings. And the blobs are actually becoming images!
Anderson Queen of Hearts
Me and my HAEDs
Hi everyone!!

I have watched this blog for nearly a year now and now I am a member!! Yipppeeee! Thanks Louanne :)
My name is Sam and I have been stitching since I was 14 (I am no 31). I discovered HAEDs about a year ago and I now class myself as an addict.
I have bought (too many) charts and I currently have 2 WIP.
The first I started is Queen of Hearts by R. Anderson. I have completed 4 pages of this.

More recently I have been almost exclusively working on Millennium Tree by J. Wall. I have completed 4 pages of this one also. I plan to auction this one off for charity when its completed to raise awareness of global warming and the human impact on our planet.
Anyway thats enough from me for now :-)
Edit: As requested, queenie is done on 28 ct 1 over 1 and millennium tree is done on 20 ct 2 over 1 :)
millennium tree,
Queen of Hearts
Sunday, January 23, 2011
QS Stella
Last week was the detail/confetti SAL on the HAED BB. I joined in with QS Stella as her face needed a lot of confetti work! Almost finished her face, but I had to travel while a color was threaded...

Happy stitching everyone and keep up the great work!!
My First Ever Post
Hi Everyone, I'm Kim and my buddy Susan is kindly posting for me, I've promised her that I'm not going to be to much of a hassle because with other projects on the go at once I'm only going to be updating once (twice if I'm really lucky) a month.
This is my first ever HAED and I'm quite excited, but also a little nervous about it. It Lancelot and Guinevere by Selena Fenech, stitched on 25 count evenweave (which is absolutely tiny by the way). I was a little intimidated when I started but I'm really enjoying it now, now that the initial terror has worn off. It's also the first time in a long time that I haven't used gridding so I'm having to really concentrate on my counting. I normally use that funky red twine that I've forgotten the name of, but thought that would be to tight in 25 count, and the fabric pen that I bought was horrible, it wore off in less than 2 hours and left a slight mark so I fell out with it, especially as it was a biro and really difficult to apply, but anyway.
It doesn't look like much yet, but it's the beginning of a window. I always stitch the most boring part first, so that I've got the fun bits to look forward to, weird but true!
Loving my stitching, and all excited about being allowed to post here through the generosity of Susan.
Happy stitching everyone, and I'm loving seeing your progress as well.
Kim x
Lance and Guinevere
Joke's Foregone
This week I have been focusing on Foregone and yeah!! I finished page three (as you see I stitch from right to left, so two pages to go before the row is finished). It was a long way of confetti stitching, but finishing this page makes me aware (and proud) of my own grey hair LOL

TT Sun Worshipper Cat 3 - Complete!
I recently replied to a post on the BB about the wips we all have on the go. It was in writing my reply there that I realized that I had 11 HAEDs going. ELEVEN! That's just HAEDs, not counting any other little wips I have started over the years in my madness. Granted, 5 of those 11 are SALs that I signed up for on the BB, Lord knows I can't miss out on any of those. But it brought me to the realization that I must finish some of these. The most logical thing to do is finish off the ones that are BB SALs, since they are smaller in size, therefore they should be the easiest and closest to their finishes. Also, I didn't finish a single thing in 2010! Not one! So I am in desperate need of getting a few of these finished, my wip bins are taking over my house! ;-) So here's my first finish of the year!

Stats: Started March 2008
Finished Jan.22, 2011
Silkweaver 28 ct. Opalescent Lugana, color Chashmere Glitz
Stitched 1 X 1 DMC
One down, ten to go! Next up is Dark Cherry. Here's where I left off with her last June:

I will be focusing on the projects that look like they are closest to the finish line for the foreseeable future. You will see a lot of small pieces coming out of the woodwork, and hopefully some more finishes soon!!!!

Stats: Started March 2008
Finished Jan.22, 2011
Silkweaver 28 ct. Opalescent Lugana, color Chashmere Glitz
Stitched 1 X 1 DMC
One down, ten to go! Next up is Dark Cherry. Here's where I left off with her last June:

I will be focusing on the projects that look like they are closest to the finish line for the foreseeable future. You will see a lot of small pieces coming out of the woodwork, and hopefully some more finishes soon!!!!
TT Sun Worshipper Cat 3
Friday, January 21, 2011
Dragonfly Update
Here is an update on Dragonfly. All I've stitched this week is 310 and there is plenty more to come and her hair continues to grow. 

Thursday, January 20, 2011
QS Nice Faery Update
Here is another update of QS Nice Faery by Amy Brown. I was hoping to finish her by Christmas but have been having trouble making much progress on her because I am working over one on 32 count linen.

Terri's HAED
Well I was working on Advice from a Caterpillar for the last two weeks. Here is a before picture of it:

And here is what it looks like now:

I am surprised on how much I actually got finished on it.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Update coming soon!
I know I've been MIA for quite some time. Some of you may remember that my boyfriend was in a bad car accident last April. He is actually still in the hospital. We've been trying to get him into rehab but everyone says he is still not ready. He is awake now and does remember everything before the accident, but he cannot talk and mostly communicates by nodding his head yes and no. So I have not stitched hardly at all since then, but picked it up last weekend so I will be back on here with an update soon. I'm just now catching up on all of the great progress! Glad to see so much activity on here!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
XMas (Kuck) and QS Rapture (Potts)
It's been a long time since I've posted an update, but i have been stitching. Here's my progress on Sandra Kuck's Xmas:

And I've made a tiny start on QS Rapture (Marc Potts) for the HAED BB SAL.


And I've made a tiny start on QS Rapture (Marc Potts) for the HAED BB SAL.

My Progress On Lavender Moon!
I have stitched 108 stitches today on Lavender Moon! Since this is my first HAED it looks like nothing! I am stitching on 25 ct Lavender Bliss 1 over 1 so I guess that accounts for this small blob. I started in the upper left corner which I never did before either. I have always started in the middle. Well, here is a pic of the pattern followed by my start.
Lavender Moon,
Michele Sayetta,
Step 15
Present this project started a year ago and fell in love the very sight of him, is Hanna and I love Disney! 16 Steps facts but I only teach you the latest!
Step 15

Bookworm Fairy
Monday, January 17, 2011
HAED's Storykeep Logan as of 17.01.2011 (Page 1 Done) by Gizzimomo
Here's my Storykeep Logan by Carrie Hawks..... Page 1 is done!! I managed to get the final bit done today to finish this page which was a nightmare due to all the sparklies, almost the whole of the background was done in DMC B5200 ( I hate Kreinik!!) but I think it was worth it!!
Stitched on 28 count Vintage Lemon Zweigert
1 thread over 1 square, full cross stitch
Started 09.01.2011
1 thread over 1 square, full cross stitch
Started 09.01.2011
Carrie Hawks,
Storykeep Logan
Nature's Mourning
Posted on behalf of my buddy Shannon
Here is my HAED Nature’s Mourning. Unfortunately I did not write down the fabric count. It is a mocha evenweave. I am stitching 2 over 2.
Before and after pictures :
Sunday, January 16, 2011
LOVE seeing all the work being done!
Wanted to first say that everyone's pieces are coming along SO nicely!! I just got back to stitching this past week after a 2 year loss of xstitching mojo. Glad to be amongst the xstitching world again!
Now, I have a question. I see that a lot of you grid your pieces. I have The Story Keeper going (need to find it to start working on it again since I moved) and I didn't grid. But I am working 20 x 20 squares when I work on it. When you grid, do you use thread or do you use fabric marker that comes out in the wash? And, do you wash your pieces after you stitch them to get it out? I think I would be afraid to wash my piece. LOL I'm always very careful to wash my hands before I stitch and keep my pieces in a container so they don't get dirty.
Anywhoot... I'd love to hear from you all on this.
Thank you!
Nancy :0)
Now, I have a question. I see that a lot of you grid your pieces. I have The Story Keeper going (need to find it to start working on it again since I moved) and I didn't grid. But I am working 20 x 20 squares when I work on it. When you grid, do you use thread or do you use fabric marker that comes out in the wash? And, do you wash your pieces after you stitch them to get it out? I think I would be afraid to wash my piece. LOL I'm always very careful to wash my hands before I stitch and keep my pieces in a container so they don't get dirty.
Anywhoot... I'd love to hear from you all on this.
Thank you!
Nancy :0)
hello friends, and again 1461 stitches further snow white, you can hardly see but a stitch is a stitch;) is a little progress but I do not give up! I do not know when but someday ..... I will have it finished!
I always enjoy looking at your beautiful projects, you all do great work!

I always enjoy looking at your beautiful projects, you all do great work!


Unicorn Dream - Week 61, Dreams of Gaudí - Week 57
The Unicorn goes a little slowly, but fortunately I've almost completed the knight! :)
However I'm really breezing through Gaudí's clouds, the only slow part will be the tower.
However I'm really breezing through Gaudí's clouds, the only slow part will be the tower.
Unicorn Dream
The Astronomer
I haven't picked this up since July of last year. This is where I started on January 1.
and this is where I ended today
I finished page 3 and am now starting on page 4.
Thanks for looking.
and this is where I ended today
I finished page 3 and am now starting on page 4.
Thanks for looking.
The Astronomer
Update Creativity and Magnificent Wings
I am now actively working on these two designs. I especially love to work on Creativity. The colors are wonderful. Both are stitched 1 over 1on 25 count, so it is not going very fast, but I think the result is really beautiful.
Happy stitching,
Magnificent Wings,
QS Creativity
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