G'day (that shows I'm an Aussie btw). This is my first post here. I'm a new convert to HAED, and also to blogging. I'm started doing both this year, and I am really enjoying the new experiences. I started my HAED Jolly Old Fellow on January 19. It's by far the largest project I've attempted, and it has taught me so much about myself that I probably was happier not knowing, though I'm sure the additional self-insight will make me a better person in the long run (here's hoping, anyway). Up till now my largest projects have been L&L and Vermillion, and it's never taken me more than 4 months to finish a project.
Anyway, one day (some year yet to be determined), the fabric currently in my floor-frame will look just like this lovely Santa on the left. I'm stitching on page 3 at present, about half-way through. This week I've had a tiny little glitch (read - two days of pulling out my hair and counting , counting, counting) due to my putting in an extra stitch at the top of page 3. I think I have it sorted out - well, at least a plan that sounds workable to get it back on track. I'm working on JOF for all but one week each month. Next week is a JOF-free week for me. Actually I'll be away from home in the campervan, holidaying by the coast, and JOF will stay safely at home. The pic on the right is what it looked like last week. I'll pop in tonight at the end of my stitching session and put in this week's progress pic.