Recently I
started a new HAED project, Life Force. This picture was taken
last weekend and I already have made significant more progress on it
since then! In fact, I am almost done with page 1, off the top of my
head I believe that there are over 30 pages in this pattern. 90
different colors. This time around I am putting grid lines on the
fabric. This is really helping me with the confetti stitching.
Typically I just wing it. But the grid lines are making it go so much
Here is what the final product will look like:

is Dragon Knot 2 in all its glory! Finally back from the LNS all
framed and matted. I think it came out great. I currently have it
hanging in my bedroom till my friend comes to visit in October to claim
it in person!
It was a long road to getting this project finished and framed.
great finish and awesome new start !
best wishes
Dragon Know looks fab all framed up and your new start is a beautiful piece of artwork so I'll be watching it's progress eagerly!
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