Wednesday, February 29, 2012

its been ages

It has been quite a long time since I have posted anything. I have a new start QS Diamond by Rachel Anderson. I promise to add pictures when there is something significant to show. :)

An update by Jo

eeek!  Don't delete me!  It's been waaay too long since I posted, so here are some of my recent wips.  All are stitched on 28ct jobelan, one over one and full crosses.

First up is Tranquility (The Vintage Angel), I've just managed to get past the first page.  I'm still enjoying stitching her but all that blue .....!

So as all that blue got a bit much, I decided to make a start on A Princess is Born (Hannah Lynn).  I can honestly say that the first page has been agony!  As much confetti as a Wall!!! It has taken me 6 weeks to do, I can usually do a page in 2 weeks, tops.  

Finally, is Mini Masquerade (Sessler) another confetti nightmare.  I have to say though that the limited amount of colours does make a nice change.  Also, although this is a mini, I cannot really see any loss of detail.  I think Michele has done a great job with it!

I will try and update a bit more regularly in future.  Still loving seeing all yours wips - so inspiring!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Qs Genieveve

I love this design reminds me of my youth when we walked around and thought we ate the world.
Although it has a lot of work I like to embroider


A big step

And here I am with this wonderful haed, I love the result and I have wanted to see his face!Galindo
Step 22

Step 23

Step 24

Three worlds, MC. Escher

The second Page of the second row, runs again until the end. I was afraid that the few colors would stand against me. But nothing is less true. It is not boring. There's also alot of Kreinik in between. That glistens so beautifully.

29º Paso

A while since I put no progress, but here I am with this development, I hope that as you finish your face look better because now I see very dark!sudor

Afternoon Tea. RE-start

Hi everyone! I re-started my "Afternoon Tea" this month... The first was in Madeira and I didn't like it. So, this time I use the original DMC floss.
And I decided to stitch without the border (like in "Sunday Delight").
Wish me a good luck :))


Monday, February 27, 2012

Bookend kitties sal

I am feeling guilty now as well it has been ages since I
have posted but I do still check the blog daily I think my
last post was in december where has the year gone as in
a few days it's march...
After January Sal                 After February Sal
I have stitched Bookend kitties in January and february
when the freebie sal was on. Hopefullly the march post
should contain a page finish
I am about ready to pull my other projects back out
faerie melody and Soul searcher tripetch...
Happy stitching Tanya

QS Siberian Forest February Update - Faerie

Here's my update on QS Siberian Forest stitched on 25ct MagicGuide evenweave 1 over 1. Doesn't seem like much but since I've moved house and been on holiday this month I'm rather happy with my progess =).

Camelot from Kinuko Craft

Hello everybody !

Thank you Louanne for getting us out of the winter's torpor and for reminding us to post our progress !

It is an opportunity to present you one of my WIPs.
This is Camelot from Kinuko Craft (the full version 525 x 383).

stitched on lugana 25 count, with two strands of thread

With this journey, I am travelling in the medieval time and my needle is in close contact with King Arthur's legends...
I enjoy each stitch of it...

Happy stitching to you all !


Fw: Emailing: TT A Pale Comparison Becket-Griffith Feb27-12, SK Fragile-Mills, Yellow Butterfly-Middleton, SK Blue Moon -Ravencroft Feb 27th, SK Logan Hawk - Jan 2012

Here are my HAED patterns that I am currently working on ~ I visit here daily and love seeing everyones work.
At the end of January I celebrated my first Finish  SK Logan  with a New start :O)  TT Pale Comparison
best wishes
18ct  white    SK Logan Hawk - Jan 2012  My first HAED finish 
18ct  grey     TT A Pale Comparison Becket-Griffith Feb27-12  ~ Started February 1st 2012
18ct  white   SK Fragile-Mills ~ Feb 27-12   WIP
20ct  white   Yellow Butterfly-Middleton ~ Feb 27-12 WIP
18ct  grey     SK Blue Moon -Ravencroft Feb 27th -12  BB SAL

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Louanne's Updates

Okay, so I'm guilty as well...  Here's some updates for ya!  First up is Siberian Forrest (2012 QS Freebie).  I am loving this guy, great fun to stitch.  I can't wait for the next page to come.
Next up is Goblin Tree.  I've almost finished page 14, I'm staying with it at least until I get this page done.
I want to try and finish GT this year.  We'll see how that goes.


Oh my, reading this last post I feel quilty! I haven't been posting for a while, but I hope I can make this up to you by posting some new pictures of Call of the Raven and Vibrant Vista.
I'll better my life, starting now ;)

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Unicorn Dream - Week 110, Dreams of Gaudí - Week 105

The background and the shadowy female figure is almost complete :)

And as for Gaudí, I only have to fill in the smaller-bigger holes :)

Saturday, February 25, 2012

I finished a column

It's quite sad just how ewxcited I am about finishing the first column of Dragon Rider. Only another 6 to go (I think).
I am loving working on it though, especially the fact that so far I've only done background and the detail is still so beautiful.
Dragon Rider by Randal Spangler
Stitched 1 over 1 on 25 count evenweave.

A new start - Smartie Pants Pink - Hannah Lynn

I started her at the beginning of February.She is stitched on 18 count aida 2 over 1 full cross stitch.I started her in the middle.

QS Fragile Heart 2011 SAL

Here is an update from of QS Fragile Heart from last years BB SAL.I am hoping to get her finished this year.

Thursday, February 23, 2012


TREASURE QUEST (Randal Spangler)
Here is the work I've been working on for almost a year now....
Here are 643 working hours and I have finished page 14.
Hope you all like it and I will continue to post my progress.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Mirabella - By Rachel Anderson

Hi all !! finally i'm starting to see her !!! I'm about to start page 8......I'm really glad with my progress so far.


Hope you like it !


Thanks for looking, Alison. 

Thursday, February 16, 2012

HAED's Princess Izzy and SK Phuan as of 16th February 2012 by Gizzimomo

Hey Everyone,

First up is my Princess Izzy update! I have completed Page 4 but now Izzy is going away for a spell while I work on some of my other projects. Don't worry as she will be back in a few months I'm sure!

Page 3 Done (As of 15th February 2012)

Total Progress So Far
 Next up is my SK Phuan update. I have FINALLY finished Page 3 and have made the decision to finish Phuan at that point instead of stitching the final half a page. I struggled so badly with the last page as it really bored the hell out of me and as the final page is more of the same and I just can't bring myself to stitch it.... besides I actually prefer the look of the finished piece be finishing it here as his leg looks at little bit odd at the bottom on the cover photo so I'm glad to finish it here.

Page 3 Done

SK Phuan - Finished as of 16th February 2012

Keep an eye out...... Faerie Melody is making a comeback!!!!


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

QS Creativity, almost there

Sorry, it has been a while since my latest update.

Anyway, here she is:
stitched on 25count ecru even weave, 1 over 1
Almost finished! So exciting.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Elaine - QS Fantasea

I'm so happy to be seeing more of her face and hat.  I have decided that I shouldn't compare the stitched piece to the original artwork, but just be content with how the stitching looks on its own.  Otherwise I find too many differences.

So, here she is after 63 hours of stitching (a nice even 7500 stitches).  22 ct. hardanger, 2 over 1.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Cheryl's update: QS Flight of the Irish Fae (Hannah Disney)

This is a new start for me. I got fed up with The Lights of Home. I think I fell out of love with it... 

I love the colours in this one! QS Flight of the Irish Fae by Hannah Disney. Fabric is 25 count white Lugana.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Faery Tales & Princess Izzy

Hi All, Here is Faery Tales done on 18ct aida 2 over 1
And Princess Izzy is growing slowly. I'm doing this on 20ct aida.
Everyone's work is looking fantastic.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

This is Mirabella so far ! Today I finished page 4 and started page 5 !! Final top row excited !

This is building up really quick as i'm doing it tent stitching 3 on 1 on 28 count evenweave.

I'm so looking forward to start her face !


Thanks for looking

Happy stitching to all from Alison !