Hello Wonderful Stitchers!
It's been a long time since I posted an update, I know. Rest assured that I've been behind the scenes running the blog and keeping up with buddies, etc. I read every post. You guys are awesome. The beautiful work displayed here always amazes me. I want to thank each and every one of you for your contributions. Breathtaking work, all!
I have a couple of wips to show. I have 11 HAEDs started, so it's not easy to keep everything moving along. But that's nothing new to you peeps, you all have so many gorgeous pieces on the go! I'll just share a few of the ones that I have made some progress with this year.
First off there's the QS Freebie for this year, Fragile Heart. I've completed pages 1 - 4. Don't mind the dirt marks! I was stitching on it outside by the pool this Summer, and DH got ashes on her (it was breezy), it will wash out. Stats:
Fragile Heart Hannah Lynn © HAED
28 ct. Evenweave DMC floss 1 X 1, full cross
Next up my progress on Goblin Tree. As you know, this is a retired chart from Linda Ravenscroft, so it's worked on every 5th week during the retired artists SAL on the board. Pages 1-14 Complete. Stats:
Artwork: Linda Ravenscroft Chart © HAED
Fabric: Sugar Maple Fabrics - French Vineyard, 28 ct. Lugana
Stitch: 1 X 1 Full cross Floss: DMC
Start Date: Nov. 2006
Then there's the 2011 Freebie SK SAL piece, Phuan. Stats:
Phuan Lesley Anne Ivory © HAED
28 ct. English Rose DMC floss 1 X 1, full cross
Kreinik Blending Fil. 002HL (I added this)
I also worked a bit on QS Arthur. Stats:
QS Arthur Linda Ravenscroft © HAED
Linen Evenweave Ivory 30ct. DMC floss 1 X 1
I can't forget to post about Pipsqueak! Stats:
30 ct. Evenweave Cream 1 x 1 Full Cross, DMC
My new start for the year, Catfish. Stats:
Catfish Sheila Rayyan © HAED
Opalescent White 28 ct. HDF Silk 1 X 1, full cross
One more! Remember Dark Cherry? She was the 2009 Freebie QS SAL. Stats:
Dark Cherry Ching Chou Kuik © HAED
28 ct. DMC floss 1 X 1
Started Jan. 2009
There's a few more that got attention so far this year, but this post is already too long, and I don't want to bore you! So I'll sign off for now. Thanks for reading, my stitchy possums! Go in Stitchyness!