Thursday, July 31, 2014

New buddy!

Hello everyone

My name is Justine and I live in England.  I recently started stitching my first HAED, Treasure Hunt Bookshelf by Aimee Stewart.  Here's my progress so far...

I'm stitching one over one on 25 count magic guide aida.  I love the fabric as it's so soft and the beautiful colours.

Thank you for letting me be a HAED buddy and sharing my progress with you. 


Sunday, July 27, 2014

update snow white

Still every evening working on this beautiful pattern for 2 houers or so. 

Anneke Triemstra
The Netherlands

Mini Renaissance Angel di J. Galbreth 07/27/14

E anche questo haed è lo amo tantissimo....
and now this haed is finished.....I like very very....

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Hello ladies, 
Here's my next HAED - Phoenix by Penny Golledge. Aida count 18 2 over 1 full cross.
Black background was not any trouble. The whole process gives me so much pleasure. 
Wish everybody happy stitching.

Best regards,
Tina Lapina

skype ID: to-all-cat-lovers

Elf in Wood by Alena Lazareva

Update.  Just completed page 5 of 36.  I always get excited when a row is about to be finished.  Already started working on page 6 so hopefully this won't take too long.  Being stitched 1 over 1 on 25ct fabric.

Thank you :0)

Friday, July 25, 2014

Tea Party Treats ( WEEK 18 )

Hi everyone ,
here`s my weekly update from Jasmine Becket-Griffith`s " TEA PARTY TREATS " ....... ! I love this chart so much  .
XXX happy stitching ..... your Helvi

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Another 1st page finish!

And I finished another 1st page. This time its Autumn Winds from Selina Fenech. large chart format, stitched on 18 count aida 2 over 1. And I'm going to start the next page soon (if my fingers let me, been bitten by a horse)


Saturday, July 19, 2014

Tea Party Treats ( Week 17 )

Hi ,
this is my new HAED projekt .
TEA PARTY TREATS by J. Becket-Griffith
stitched on 18ct. aida  2 over 1 full cross
Since 17 weeks I`m working on this one and there are still some follow .....
Greetings fom Helvi

Fairy With A Butterfly Mask

Fairy With A Butterfly Mask  by J. Becket-Griffith
stitched on 18ct. aida 2 over 1
It was my first HAED - projekt and it tooks me 8 weeks to finished it .
Greetings from Helvi

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Finished the design

Hello, buddies,
My name is Tina and I am from Pavlodar, Kazakhstan . Some days ago I finished stitching "Summer in Bavaria". It took me about two and a half years to make it. Enjoyed the process very much. 
Wish everybody good luck.

Best regards,
Tina Lapina

skype ID: to-all-cat-lovers

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Mini Lily of the Valley (Page one Progress) by Lauren

Hi everyone,

Here is a picture of my current progress on my Mini Lily of the Valley by Rachel Anderson.

You can see the first of the lily flowers which I think looks very pretty.

Stitched on 25 count Magic Guide Evenweave 1 over 1.

Happy Stitching!

Lauren xx

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Lots of dmc 3855

Hi everyone,

I'm here with an update again! This time it is my progress on Autumn Winds from Selina Fenech. I stitched all the dmc 3855 of the first page, which is a LOT! Hope to finish the complete page before the end of July.

Selina Fenech - Autumn Winds, stitched on 18 count ecru aida, 2 over 1
