Monday, April 30, 2012

College of Magical Knowledge, Page 8 done

Hi everyone!

I've been stitching like mad on College, and have managed to finish up the first 8 pages.

I'm stitching this on 25-count antique white evenweave, 1 over 1. 

The confetti so far has been crazy, but I really like the way it's looking so far. Every page brings something new and exciting to the piece. 

Thanks for looking and happy stitching, everyone.


Step 32

And I need to finish this little wonder haed!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

I have begun HAED Sistine Chapel

Here is my start all of 200 stitches on HAED Sistine Chapel, I am so excited to do this pattern.

Progress pics on Dragon Knot 2

Spring has sprung!!! And with that my time to stitch has diminished. So many outdoor activities combined with work, I've only been able to put a stitch or two in here and there. But progress has been made!!!

"Romantic Fool"

Saturday, April 28, 2012

First Page of Ravenscroft's Chakra Fae

I'm not convinced that I actually meant to start this, it just sort of happened. I joined the SAL for this on facebook and the start just sort of happened.
It's my first attempt at tent stitching though, and I'm loving how fast it stitches up. Also, this was an easy page to stitch, there was loads of block stitching, in fact I got through more than a skein of 3770 on this page.
Linda Ravenscroft's Chakra Fae
28 count evenweave, 2 over 1 tent stitch

Emailing: Dragon Soul

Dragon Soul ~ Fenech  on 18ct white 2x1 (large chart formatt )
This is the first HAED chart I purchased ~ I love how the black & whites blend.  I am aiming to have 4 possibly 5 finishes this year !  Albeit they are not large counts it will certainly cut down my many started ones !
best wishes

Friday, April 27, 2012

Escher Threeworlds

In the past two weeks I made ​​a page. However, many pieces the same. It works fast. Now the body of the fish. I did nothing of the majesty Telephony. The time flies away and there were no hours left this week.

Shore Line Village - Nearly there.

Getting close to the page finish on this on, but I thought I would update you all!


Thursday, April 26, 2012

TT Violet Sometimes update from Miamina

Just thought I'd show you my most recent WIP photo of TT Violet Sometimes:

Inline images 1

I must apologise that the quality of the photo isn't great as I had to take it with the camera on my phone.  I've decided to stick with this until it's completed as there's not much more to do.  Hopefully my next update will be of the finished work!

Thanks for reading,

Angie (Miamina)

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Footprints in the Sand - KUCK
I started this piece on April 1, participating in an April 1st stitchalong.  I haven't had as much time to stitch as I would like, but I have almost finished page one. Good think I like the color blue!  The unstitched areas call for a metallic thread and I am waiting on a response back from Michele before doing those areas.  Not sure what to blend the Krenick with...
I am stitching on 18 ct. white aida using two strands of DMC floss. 
Cathy in Tennessee

Step 31

I'm really enjoying this design, I like its color and how nice it is.TSK

Monday, April 23, 2012

QS Pearl

Hi all here is quick update on "Pearl" I think she is starting to take shape and looking good.

QS "Pearl" 19th April 2010
She is Stitched on 18cnt Adia 2 over 1 with DMC Threads!

Are there any Stitchers out there that regulary stitch in 22ct I would love your Opinions. I have brought some and thinking about a re-start on my "Sin" Charts!

Drop me a line here or on my Blog!

Happy Stitching All!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Ballerina Sisters


A new page is finished. It was fun to stitch, because we finally see the first ballerina, who is beautiful in my opinion.
Now, I will break my head stitching confetti in the next page : it's the window with the garden in the background.
Stay tuned for more,

Flo Gribouille

Saturday, April 21, 2012

New-ish start - Mini Sunflower Cottage on 28 ct 1 over 1.  Doing this all cross country so finishing all of each colour before moving on.  All looking a bit dark at the moment and difficult to see the detail but should come together as the other colours start to go in.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Page 2 of Natures Mourning almost complete.  I have been working on this like crazy the last few weeks.  I need to order some more floss for some of it.  I would love to get page 2 done this weekend but there is a lot of confetti stitching to be done.

Have a happy stitching weekend!!


Unicorn Dream - Week 117, Dreams of Gaudí - Week 112

I did make some speedy progress this week :) This page of the Unicorn will be finished quite quickly since more than half of it is just 939.

And my needle just flies on Gaudí's roof :)) It's like I've barely started it, and yet almost half of the page is done!

Update on my Projects!

I stitched a little on my Ganesha

I will try to get a much better pic next time!

Shore Line Village

Golden Promises

QS Terra Fairy Sprite

Happy Stitching!

Siberian Forrest Freebie Page 2 Started

Siberian Forrest Freebie page 2 came out, and I've started on it.  I have to say that the detail in this piece is amazing.  A true testament to the charting skills of the HAED Team!  I can't wait to get to his other eye.  Stay tuned!
 Happy Stitching!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Step 30

You have the face done! I really like is because I have wanted to finish it, I'm really enjoying the design.


Monday, April 16, 2012

Progress picture of Daisy Offerings


Daisy Offerings - HAED - Sandra Kuck
Page 2 out of 36 Pages
Stitching this on 18 Count White Soft Aida
DMC Threads - 2 over 1

Linda Klinedinst


A blast from the past

Oh dear! It has been so long since I've posted on here it's crazy. I'm sorry. Just hectic real life I guess.
Here is how Dragonfly looks and Curl Up With A Good Book.

Royalty for april

I've managed to get one vertical row done and started on the second row!
It's slow going as I'm doing 1x1 on 25ct but it's fun. Yes, that's a quarter to show size scale on the amount done.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Joke's Call of the Raven

Most of my spare time this week I have been stitching on Call of the Raven. I'm in a Dutch group and we committed to do a thousand stitches each month. Last month I didn't make it, so I have to do two thousand cross stitches this month...
This is how it was last month:

And this is how it is now. 

Escher and Her Majesty Telephony

I am with the last page of this row ready. Now I go to the next row. The carp is beautiful in the picture. Although I find it a nice project, I have just a new start. I could not resist. What a fun.
It is Her Majesty Telephony from Jacek Yerka. With a shower as horn and a small tin beetle as an bell. The pearls come from the dress. Really like Dali.

Mirabella - Rachel Anderson

So.... .this is my update for April, I will post monthly updates as this piece is growing up fast !
Hope you like her,as much as I am enjoying stitching her ! I'm doing her on white 25 count even-weave, 3 on 1 tent stitching. Thanks for looking !
Happy stitching, Alison. 

Friday, April 13, 2012

Avarice Update!


I have completed the entire top row, some 39,200 stitches. I am stitching it one over one full crosses on 25ct Lugana.

I am taking this one out of rotation to work on QS Wizard of Oz for my Sister's birthday. I will update that one as I progress.


Thursday, April 12, 2012

Faces Of Faery 164 as of 12th April 2012 by Gizzimomo

Hi everyone,

Sorry I haven't been about lately but I've been in the hospital having surgery but I'm back now and here's my latest start Faces Of Faery 164 by Jasmine Becket-Griffith. 

After Two Pages

I'm stitching her on 22 count hand dyed hardanger fabric, 1 thread over 1 square in full crosses. I've not started in the traditional place of the top left but kind of in the middle by finding the middle of the whole design and then stitching that page. So my pages one and two are actually pages 4 and 5!


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Treasure Quest by Lunitaloca

Here my last update of Treasure Quest.
807 working hours now and starting page 19
I like the way it's working out.
Hope you enjoy this.

New Start

I will be starting this beautiful face this week.
I'm stitching full crosses.  Don't know name of cloth I'm using but it's 11 stitches per 1 centimeter.

Hope I can show you my work soon


Step 29

How she longed to get to the face! and how fast I'm going to end because I want to see made ​​wings!!

Until next time!lovelovelovelove

Cheryl's update: The Lights of Home 2 (Schim Schimmel)

Cheers Cheryl