Monday, March 28, 2011

College of Magical Knowledge, continues (Buddy Ewa)

I got the flu this Thursday and for the sake of myself and my coworkers stayed home from work. Of course this meant stitchy goodness. However, I was in such a condition that my mother drove up to take care of me for a few days. As "College" is being stitched for my parents as a surprise, I hid it away and worked on a non-HAED piece for a bit. I did get something done on "College" though, just not as much as I thought I would (totally worth it for mommy care and chicken noodle soup from scratch, I'm such a pansy when I'm sick).

On another note, I've decided to restart Dark Queen. I realized that I wasn't enjoying stitching her. I originally started her as 2 over 1 on 25 count, which made it really difficult to pull the needle through. It was more frustration than pleasure, so she will get a restart. Thanks for reading, and thank you for all the kind comments.
Happy stitching!


Magali said...

I hope you're feeling better thanks to you mummy's good care ;-) I love the College design and I can't wait to see more of it !

lidia said...

que suspenso'''como termina este hermoso cuadro'??
felicitaciones a su bordadora